A Chicken Coop as a Monument to Greed

Of course, he now lives in a proper British mansion, but Odey is not satisfied to wallow selfishly in the wealth he raked in from his bets on the misfortunes of the masses. Rather, he is boosting the local economy by hiring architects, artisans, construction crews, and designers to build a very special $250,000 house on his estate. In so doing, he is also boosting the spirit of an entire nation caught in an economic slump – indeed, Crispin has ignited the fiery spirit of populist outrage in Merry Old England.

Why? Because the quarter-million-dollar house he has commissioned is a chicken coop. Yes, a full-scale, stone structure of about 6,000 square feet, designed as a Grecian temple, complete with two-dozen columns and carved flourishes around the roof – all for chickens. Adding to the merriment, a chicken and egg are carved into one wall, with a Latin inscription asking: “Who came first?”

The answer is easy. Like billionaires everywhere, Crispin always puts himself first – the common people and the common good be damned.


This has been reposted from Jim Hightower’s website.

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