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Wall Street elites, corporate profiteers, and inheritors of multibillion-dollar fortunes are trying to divert our attention from their oligarchic greed by spending lots of money on PR campaigns, front groups, and politicians to tell us that “Big Government” is our problem. I was born at night, but not last night! The ones knocking down the middle class and holding down the poor today are those same elites, profiteers, and heirs. The corporate media won’t talk much about this reality, but a growing majority see it and are participationg in a spreading rebellion against it. Because, after all, they’re experiencing the abuse.
The great anthem by rocker Patti Smith pretty well sums up where we Americans are – and where I think we’re going: “People have the power – to dream, to rule, to wrestle the world from fools.” Ordinary folks are awakening to the realization that the fools have seized power, and the folks are now making moves (and movements) to seize the fools by their short hairs and reclaim our dreams.
This has been reposted from Jim Hightower’s website.
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