USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
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We resumed contract negotiations on Thursday, May 2nd, and had the Company read through their (70) pages of proposals that seem to be very disrespectful, hurtful and looked like the Company wants to take away every right that YOU have at Atkore to determine your quality of work life, and eliminate almost any choice you would have at work for yourself.
USW District Director Mike Millsap had joined the negotiations, bringing his knowledge and experience to help move things along. Our next meetings for negotiations will be May 14, 28, and 31, which our USW Sub- 1 Director will also join.
1. The Company repeats over and over that Absenteeism is one of their biggest problems and has at times shut down production because of the lack of manpower, and now has a proposal to drastically reduce your ability to take off work and only allow 3 unexcused absences. At the 4th absence they want to discharge you!
2. The Union’s proposal is to help the employees with absenteeism and points.
We are looking for your ideas to help with the absenteeism the Company claims is an issue while at the same time protecting the members in case life issues arise so they will be protected.
Talk with your Union Representatives at the plant about your possible ideas.
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