USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
We’ve had some more development on the reduction of schedules. As of now the CHT change has been postponed indefinitely, and it seems that the TCM will be going back to a 7-Day schedule the 1st week of November. Like I said in the last update, this is always subject to change as they are constantly looking to add metal to our schedule. We will do our best to keep you all as up to date as possible.
Here is an important Rapid Response Action Call. The call is about the reauthorization of the TAA. TAA is a benefit that offers up to two years of robust job training benefits for workers who lose their jobs because of dumped and subsidized imports, changes in tariffs, and trade agreements. On that page are some embedded hyperlinks that will take you directly to pages you need to contact your representative to let them know your thoughts on this.
You’ll also find the flyer for our 2024 Solidarity Picnic that is happening on 10/12/2024. The event starts at 10am, with food sales going from 12pm-6pm. We’re going to have inflatables for the kids, cornhole, and will be having a watch party for the TN vs. FL game. Game time is still TBD, so the picnic will go until the end of the game. Folks will need to bring their own lawn chairs for watching the game. Please bring your family and come join us for a day of food, fun and fellowship.
Tomorrow (9/28/2024) the Veterans of Steel will be at the Little G Car Show. If you’re out and about don’t mind a little rain, stop by, and see us. This show is for a good cause, and we would love to see everyone come out and fellowship.
Please be questioning your supervisor at the start of every shift for the safety callouts that are sent out after every event. Also, be sure that we are following the SWIs and if they don’t have them for a job that has been assigned, make sure that we are requesting the proper people to come out and create one. Above all, if it’s not safe, STOP and get help! If you have any push back when attempting to perform a Safety Stop, inform your Department Chair, Plant Chair, or get directly in touch with me ASAP. We will get the issue addressed.
We still must remain really focused on quality and be sure that we’re stopping when something is not up to our standards. If it’s not up to how you were trained and a foreman is asking you to run anyway, get a hold of someone in the Union Leadership immediately and we will get it addressed.
Please be promoting and sharing the link to this update. I do my best to share it out on all platforms when it gets sent, but I can easily miss one. Thank you for all that you do and stay safe!
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