How Secure Is Your Retirement?

The web site reported on Governor Christie’s State of the State address in January just past, emphasizing the governor’s playing with promises regarding pension reform.  Christie had previously called for sacrifices from State employees and pensioners, with the State balancing out those sacrifices by resuming required contributions.  But in his address, the Governor provided no plan for that balancing, making the contributions to General Catalyst appear even more questionable.  And the relatively lax nature of other states’ pay-to-play rules surely will make those who receive pensions in those states nervous.


Michele Petrovsky is the Webmaster at Tools4Change, Author of “Cathedral or Bazaar?  Fix Higher Education – Teach by the Seat of Your Pants ,”  “Donkey Dharma,” and “Quick Guide to Linux.” Petrovsky resides in Glen Mills, Pa.


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