How the Poor (a.k.a. Working Class) Can Save Capitalism

Shades of food stamps and unemployment compensation helping America’s financial circumstances.  Despite the concerns of the far right, those programs put about $1.70 back into circulation for every $1 paid out to needy individuals.  Bryant takes that logic one step further by pointing out that, since most of our economy relies on consumer spending, and since the top spenders are actually the bottom 80% of the American workforce, aiding such folks would aid the economy at large.

Bryant suggests a number of ways to accomplish what he calls financial inclusion:

  • educational initiatives
  • tax incentives
  • credit reform
  • business and community development projects
  • governmental policy changes.

We as individuals can help bring about these tactics and the goals they are intended to support by engaging in progressive actions.  Let’s start by turning out to vote in droves this November.


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