USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
District 8 Director
Larry Ray is the Director of District 8, serving USW members in Kentucky, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington D.C.
A second-generation Steelworker who has three nephews currently working in USW-represented plants, Ray got his start as a labor activist nearly 30 years ago as a production operator at American Synthetic Rubber Co. in Louisville, Ky.
After the 1995 merger between the United Rubber Workers (URW) and the USW, Ray transitioned from URW Local 423 to USW Local 1693. Over the course of his career, Ray won election to a number of local union leadership positions, including vice president and president.
When he joined the USW staff in 2002, one of his early assignments involved organizing rallies supporting the Bridgestone/Firestone campaign. As staff representative, Ray bargained in a wide range of industries and worked on master agreements with major employers like Alcoa and Domtar. He also participated in Building Power trainings to help local unions capitalize on their collective strength during negotiations throughout the District.
As Director, Ray helps local union members throughout the District in a hands-on capacity wherever needed. This includes facilitating regional and local union trainings and ensuring constitutional committees are running at full power.
He also oversaw the District’s inaugural Women of Steel conference, which drew more than 100 members, and built a more robust Rapid Response network to advance legislation supporting veterans, protecting unemployment compensation and assisting working families.
Ray co-chairs master bargaining with Cleveland-Cliffs.
Over the course of his career, Ray served with the Louisville Central Labor Council and on the Executive Board of the Kentucky AFL-CIO, while also participating in donation drives and other work serving the greater Louisville community.
Ray is happily married with three daughters and five grandchildren.
Are you and your coworkers ready to negotiate together for bigger paychecks, stronger benefits and better lives?