More Than One Million Petitions Delivered to Congress Backing Employee Free Choice Act

Thousands of Steelworkers Join Broad Display of Public Advocacy

(Washington, DC) — Some 4,000 workers from all over the U.S. joined together on Capitol Hill today to deliver more than 1.5 million petitions to Congress urging the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. This broad showcase of public support for workers’ rights included United Steelworkers (USW) International President Leo W. Gerard, Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Representatives George Miller (CA-7) and Pete Visclosky (IN-1) and Sierra Club President Allison Chin.

Thousand of USW members were joined by activists from other union and progressive organization in demonstrating support for this bill. Afterward, workers personally delivered the signatures to their members of Congress on behalf of working families in their state.

This kick-off event will be followed by an ongoing series of events in cities and towns across the country to highlight the groundswell of support for the Employee Free Choice Act as a key piece of creating an economy that works for everyone again.



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