Steelworkers Reach 4-year Agreement with Cleveland Cliffs

Contact:   Gerald Dickey, USW, 412-562-2281

PITTSBURGH  – United  Steelworkers (USW) announced today that a new tentative 4-year agreement has been reached with Cleveland Cliffs, a mining company employing some 2,500 USW members at four locations.

USW District 11 Director Bob Bratulich called the agreement, “the best contract we’ve ever negotiated for iron ore miners.”

“It follows the economic pattern established in recent negotiations with U.S. Steel and ArcelorMittal,” he said.  “And for the first time, we were successful in removing the cap on retirees’ health care.”

The union is withholding further details until summaries have been printed and meetings have been held to inform the membership.

The tentative agreement was reached late Sunday night and a contract extension was signed yesterday, pending ratification of the agreement.

When ratified, the contract will cover USW members employed at the following Cleveland Cliffs facilities; Hibbing Taconite and United Taconite in Minnesota; Empire and Tilden in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.



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