Warren Buffett Prediction Fulfilled: Tea Party Scapegoats the Export-Import Bank as Poster-Agency for Corporate Welfare

“All too often the Republican Party is tagged as being the party of corporate welfare and big business. This is an opportunity to flip that on its head,” Heritage Action Communications Director Dan Holler said at the event on Monday. “Think about an election cycle where Republicans can credibly claim that they are in Washington fighting against corporate welfare. That’s a game changer for a lot of voters.”

Holler continued “It’s great policy and the politics will follow.”

For Tea Party Republicans playing the populist card, killing the Export-Import Bank seems like a no brainer. Since most Americans have no idea what the bank does, GOP candidates feel they can safely spin the bank’s mission as Crony Capitalism, rather go after the 800 pound elephants like: the deferral of tax on foreign income, tax subsidies to big oil, the repeal of Glass-Seagull, NAFTA, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)/ Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Citizens United/ McCutcheon SCOTUS rulings, to just name a few.


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