USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Our experience from over 20 years of Rapid Response actions is that calls matter and our voices have power. They bring awareness to an issue and influence lawmakers. The more calls, the more impact.
Our toll-free number makes it easy. When you dial the number provided on a Rapid Response Action Call for the first time, you will be asked for your zip code. That number will route you to the correct Senator or Representative. If you are asked to call both Senators, call a second time to be automatically routed to your other Senator.
Staff assistants or interns typically answer calls. For some offices, a recording plays and then you are given the option to leave a message.
Remember: Our elected officials work for us. Corporations are well-represented in Washington. When we engage by making calls and taking other action, we ensure that we are too.
Don’t feel like you need to be an expert. Whenever Rapid Response asks for calls, we include suggested things to say. Most importantly:
Most calls only take a minute. The staffer answering the phone often only wants to know who you are, where you are from, and if you support or oppose an issue so it can be noted. That’s it!
Most people are surprised at how easy it is after making their first call. However, you can also call after business hours and leave a message on your Senator or Representative’s voicemail.
Ask to speak with the legislative aide who handles the topic area you are calling about. Share how the issue relates to you and your members. Ask for a response from the office. Get others to join you in making a call. When groups of people are calling at the same time, an office is forced to take note!
Sometimes when Congress is debating a major issue, high call volume can overwhelm an office. You can try calling the district offices instead.
Please report to Rapid Response if this is happening. Find out the phone numbers by looking up your Representative or Senators at or
Calling State Lawmakers: Every state has a different structure. We will adjust our instructions on Action Calls as needed. Most of the same principles for calling U.S. Senators and Representatives apply. For the greatest chance of easily connecting with your state lawmakers, join our mobile alerts and make sure to provide your address: text USWRapid to 69866.
Rapid Response information is shared through email. We also text action requests and information.
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