USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
International Vice President (Human Affairs)
Kevin Mapp was elected USW International Vice President (Human Affairs) in April 2022. He previously served as Assistant to the Director in District 2.
Both of Mapp’s parents were USW members, and he quickly followed in their footsteps, working first in production and then as an industrial maintenance mechanic at U.S. Steel’s Great Lakes Works. As a member of USW Local 1299 in Ecorse, Mich., Mapp held a number of positions, including vice chairman of the Grievance Committee.
In 2012, Mapp became a USW staff representative. He serviced a wide variety of locals across Southern Michigan, including Local 13702, whose members work in area cemeteries. He bargained contracts at numerous industrial and manufacturing facilities in steel, auto parts production, coke, paper and more, while also serving as second chair in negotiations between Local 8888 and Huntington Ingalls Industries in Newport News, Va.
He became Sub-District Director for Southern Michigan in 2017 and then Assistant to the District Director in 2020.
As USW Vice President, Mapp coordinates bargaining in the union’s public sector as well as its container and shipbuilding sectors.
A committed activist, Mapp serves on the boards of both the Metro Detroit and national A. Philip Randolph Institutes (APRI), where he works to promote social and economic justice, voting rights and community education.
Mapp also serves as a trustee on the USW Health and Welfare Fund and as an advisory board member to the Institute for Career Development. He is a graduate of the Harvard University Trade Union Program and the Cornell National Labor Leadership Initiative.
Mapp is happily married to his wife Kim and has a son, daughter and granddaughter.
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