USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
There’s nothing overtly unconstitutional about that statement. But its thematic content resembles that of the “Stuff for Dummies” books of years gone by.
The American electorate often gets knocked for being low-information and therefore easily manipulated. Lamborn’s Constitution 101 stunt plays to that. But let’s go him one better. Let’s make his efforts futile. Let’s turn out in the bazillions next month to vote for every progressive candidate on the ballot.
To submit a blog to Union Matters, e-mail it to Keep it to 250 words or fewer. You MUST include your full name, hometown, and state. You may attach a photograph of yourself. Please include a phone number. This WILL NOT be published. Posting any given blog is within the discretion of the USW. No blog using foul language (this is a family site), false information (we don’t want to get sued), or unnecessary personal attacks (again, we don’t want to get sued) will be used. Wait a reasonable period of time, then blog again!
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