USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
For years, such privileges for the Bishops were accepted as normal, even deserved. Then, last year, Francis happened.
Like a hurricane, a new pontiff – and a new ethic – hit the Catholic hierarchy. Pope Francis lives a sparten life and goes openly and gladly among the masses, while stressing simplicity and personal humility as the proper demeanor for the clergy. The Church’s moral emphasis, Francis says by word and deed, must be on service to the poor and disadvantaged, and the existence of economic inequality must be a top priority, addressed as a social evil.
So we now have the phenomenon of Bishops scrambling to cut extravagances, allocating more resources to the down and out, focusing on economic justice, becoming more available to ordinary parishioners, and… well appearing more like Francis. Actually, though, they’re not aligning their lifestyles and work with the Pope – but with the life and teaching of Jesus, the founder of their Church.
Wow, that’s a most impressive conversion! So here’s an idea: If Francis can have this affect on the elites of the Church, what say we turn him loose on the hubris of Wall Street and the extravagances of the corporate elites?
This has been reposted from Jim Highower’s website.
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