USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
You have a number of options for finding which hospitals, doctors and other healthcare providers are in the network:
The Fund prepares a summary plan description (SPD) for each participating employer group describing the specific benefits provided to its members and other information concerning the operation of the plan. A supply of these booklets is sent to the employer for distribution to eligible employees within 90 days after the effective date of the benefits. Contact your human resources or personnel department if you need a copy of this benefit booklet.
You can contact member services to obtain information about medical, dental or vision benefits, check on the status of a claim, locate a network provider, request identification cards or claim forms, or obtain general health care information from Blues on Call. If you have a claim that has been denied, you can also contact member services for instructions on how to file an appeal. Questions concerning enrollment or eligibility for benefits for you or a family member should be referred to your human resources or personnel department.
If you have a change in family status, such as marriage, divorce or the birth of a child, you should notify your employer promptly so that coverage can be activated or terminated in a timely manner. You should also notify your employer of any other events affecting your enrollment, such as a change of address. Your employer will notify the Fund of the change. If you are adding a new dependent, identification cards for that person should be mailed to you within two weeks following the date your employer notifies the Fund of the change.
COBRA coverage is a continuation of the group health coverage available to you and your covered family members from the Fund when coverage would otherwise end because of a life event known as a qualifying event. Qualifying events include termination of your employment, your death, divorce, or a child ceasing to qualify as a dependent. Individuals who elect COBRA coverage must pay for this coverage. The maximum duration of COBRA is 18 to 36 months, depending on the event that caused the loss of coverage. Typically, the Fund receives notice from your employer that a qualifying event has occurred. Once that notice has been received, the Fund will send you or your dependent the information necessary to elect COBRA coverage.
The USW is here to help our members find resources and information and answer any questions you may have.