Minimum Wage Momentum: Vermont Passes Highest Statewide Minimum Wage in Country

Dennis LaBounty, political director for the Vermont AFL-CIO, applauds the bill’s passage:

We are pleased to pass minimum wage legislation that would put more money into low-income workers’ pockets. This will definitely help Vermont’s economy as we continue to get us out of the recession.

Opponents of increasing the wage have routinely relied upon flawed arguments in support of keeping the wage low. Think Progress lays out the case as to why they’re wrong:

Minimum wage opponents often argue that the laws harm the economy and that businesses oppose them. But six in 10 small business owners in a recent survey support a $10.10 wage floor, and even some larger companies in low-wage sectors have recently signaled support for raising the minimum wage. Academic evidence on the jobs’ impact of wage hikes is mixed, but there’s substantial reason to believe minimum wages don’t harm job growth—and probably even enhance it.

If you think America’s working families need a raise, sign the petition 


This has been reposted from the AFL-CIO.

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