USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
On Saturday, March 15, 2014 in Silver City, NM a group of workers and citizens will come together to celebrate the 60th anniversary of an American movie about workers called “Salt of the Earth.”
They gather, and commit to memory, the lessons of Salt of the Earth, in hope that events of the historic struggle need never be repeated.
They gather to both celebrate how far we have come down the road of justice, and unify our community to meet the challenges of to- day.
A guest panel discussion will include: Ericka Wills (Moderator) – Labor educator for United Steelworkers and PhD candidate at Illinois State University, Rachel Valencia – Educator – A life long activist and strong advocate for the preservation of Salt of the Earth era history, Anita Torrez, A veteran of both the film and the 1950 strike, Ms. Torrez dedicated her life to the continuing struggle for working people’s rights. Sonia Montoya – Educator (Grand Niece of Juan Chacon) – Ms. Montoya has dedicated her career to the social justice movement, to the studies of American and Labor History, Dr. Luis Quiñones – Educator, Writer, Activist, and Robert LaVenture – Director of the United Steel Workers, District 12, who has a storied career in the labor movement.
Click Here for a program flyer
Click Here to read “’Salt of the Earth’ was one of a kind,” an article by John J. Hunt / Rio Rancho resident in the Albuquerque Journal.
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