ATI Workers Draw Support from Communities and Families

Through difficult negotiations with ATI,  there is something amazing happening amongst the spouses of our members.  Understanding the uncertainty they are all facing, a group has formed to not only better understand the situation but, to support each other and show their strength. The spouses of our members at Local Union 1138 have created a group, “Steelworker Spouses in Solidarity.” Through their solidarity, they are scheduling rallies almost daily to bring their children and neighbors together in support of the USW ATI members. Another goal of the group is to gather community support – they currently have over 50 local business that have agreed to place their “Fighting for Good Jobs” signs in their windows as a sign of solidarity.

Regina Stinson, wife of Utility Technician Terry Stinson, is spearheading the group. Regina says, “I chose this as my way of showing every USW member that I support them. I am having a wonderful response to the rally’s. Of course at times it is difficult to schedule events and get the amount of people there we would like but, we’re still making it a success. I personally think that if ATI sees that we are united with our husbands and not at odds in regards to this contract, then we are showing that we as a whole and are not backing down.”

Through all the struggles and fights that the USW has gone through and have yet to, one thing is always apparent – we are united in solidarity. On Thursday, July 9, 2015, stand with our brothers and sisters at ATI in their fight for a fair contract and good jobs. Attend a rally near you or wear your “Solidarity in Steel” sticker to show your support!

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