Bargaining Set to Resume Following Labor Day Rally

Members of USW Local 235A, their families and supporters from across the South Texas community gathered on Monday, Sept. 7, for a solidarity rally and picnic.

The Labor Day events began with a prayer from the Rev. José Gutierrez of the Catholic Diocese of Corpus Christi.

Rick Levy, secretary-treasurer of the Texas AFL-CIO, also spoke at the rally and pledged the continued support of the Texas labor community to our locked-out sisters and brothers.

Meanwhile, our USW bargaining team is scheduled to meet with the company in Pittsburgh on Sept. 14 and 15 for our first new bargaining dates in several months.

These meetings come 11 months after Sherwin Alumina locked 450 of our hard-working sisters and brothers out of their jobs in order to force us to accept deep cuts in pay and benefits.

THANKS to all the USW Local 235A members, families and supporters who came out for the rally. The event received positive news coverage and helped us to build solidarity and support in our community.

We will continue to keep you posted on our progress in the latest round of bargaining, so please stay tuned!

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