Changes for the Worse in New Health Care Plan

Whether your health insurance is through your work, Medicare, Medicaid or individual insurance, the new proposal speeding through Congress, American Health Care Act (AHCA), will impact you.

A vote is scheduled for this Thursday. Make sure you understand what’s at stake by checking out the info below – then tell your Representative how you feel.

For a more detailed breakdown of the AHCA, check out our fact sheet.


Expect to pay:

  • In the new proposal, taxes on corporations and the wealthiest that helped pay for the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) are now gone. The Cadillac Tax remains. That gives the 400 highest-income households an average tax cut of about $7 million while costs are passed on to us! 
  • As a reminder, the Cadillac Tax is applied to plans that exceed a certain dollar limit. The amount above the limit will be taxed at 40 percent. While the tax is applied to insurers, they’ll be pushing the costs to us. Many USW members’ plans will be subject to the tax when it starts in 2025, growing over time. Given how much the new plan will depend upon the Cadillac tax, getting Congress to repeal, delay or modify it will be much more difficult than under the ACA.
  • The Cadillac Tax and the elimination of the employer mandate to offer insurance are expected to reduce employers’ incentive to offer coverage.


Expect job losses in the industry and other impacts:

  • Health care employers often run close margins. Under the ACA, we’ve seen an increase in jobs.
  • Providers are concerned about the costs of uncompensated care that will arise from millions of Americans losing insurance and cuts in federal payments to state Medicaid programs under the new plan.
  • According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, 24 million Americans will lose coverage under the new plan over the next ten years.
  • Early estimates project that two to three million health care jobs would be lost if the ACA is repealed.


Expect more uncertainty:

  • Insurers will be able to charge older Americans up to five times what they charge younger Americans.
  • The proposed plan cuts and caps Medicaid, which the ACA expanded for low-income Americans, including many seniors who are in nursing homes.
  • Repeal of additional Medicare taxes included in the ACA reduces the solvency of the Medicare trust fund by three years.


Please call your U.S. Representative at 866-202-5409. Leave a message saying who you are, where you live and why the American Health Care Act is a problem for you. Not sure who your Representative is? The toll-free number will direct you to the correct place.

For a more detailed breakdown of the AHCA, check out our fact sheet.


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