Coalition of Labor Union Women to take on War on Women at Convention

CLUWDo you want women finally to receive equal pay to their male counterparts? Raise the minimum wage for those women who are working but still live in poverty? Reinforce the right of women to make their own health care and family planning choices free from outside interference? Be a part of the impact that women will have on the 2016 election?  Do you want women to have a voice at work?  Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) President Connie Leak invites you to join her in November when hundreds of union activists will be converging in Sacramento, California at CLUW’s 18th Biennial Convention to tackle these and many other issues “that define the War on Women,” says CLUW. “Exceptional speakers have been invited, stimulating panels have been planned and over 21 workshops are scheduled,” says CLUW Executive Director Carol  Rosenblatt. The early bird discounted registration has been extended so register NOW! Click here  for details on the convention and/or to join CLUW.


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