Director Garza Reviews Contract Negotiations with USW Local Union 235A

Members of Local Union 235A employed at Sherwin Alumina recently attended a contract negotiations update meeting at the Portland, TX Community Center. District 13 Director Ruben Garza spoke to the membership about the continued support that they have at both the District and International levels of the United Steelworkers. Sub District Director, Ben Lilienfeld reviewed the current state of negotiations and discussed what the Company’s proposals meant for the membership.

Local 235A represents the employees of Sherwin Alumina who are locked in a difficult round of bargaining with the employer. The employer is seeking to freeze the defined benefit pension, eliminate retiree healthcare, and make significant changes to active employees healthcare, just to name a few of the concessionary proposals put forth so far.

The membership made it clear during the meeting that a fair and equitable contract is all they seek. While the local continues to hope for the best, preparations are underway in the event that a new agreement is not reached before the September 30 expiration.



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