USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Brothers and Sisters,
Well, we have made another revolution around the sun and it has been an eventful year.
Our sisters and brothers in the south—Texas, Florida, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico—suffered tremendous loss due to flooding and hurricanes. Numerous destructive wildfires continue to plague our members in the Northwest and West Coast. Throughout the union we have workers who have been on strike a long time this year. As we move through the holiday season and into next year, please remember these people and try to help them in any way you can.
Our National Oil Bargaining Program (NOBP) contract expires Feb. 1, 2019 at midnight. As soon as we lock in the dates and location for our NOBP policy setting conference, we will send out a notice to the locals, staff, and policy committee members.
We held a meeting December 12-13 in Pittsburgh with the policy committee and alternates, so expect to hear from them soon. Begin thinking about what proposals you want to see presented at the NOBP policy conference in the fall for the next round of negotiations.
Improved Communication and Unity
For the councils that have 2018 meetings, please send a meeting notice to both Julie and I so I can make plans to attend. I have tried to attend the council meetings since I moved into this role, and I know it improved communication between me and the councils. It also helps me with presenting urgent issues to the corporate folks when we meet, and a number of the companies and I talk even if we don’t have a problem.
Communication between me and the industry improved because of the council involvement and the willingness of the locals to work together as a council. This strengthened our oil program, and I appreciate the councils’ effort to stand together and work through companywide proposals these past two years.
As we look forward, we must remember that our strength is in our unity. We are stronger together than individually. Getting agreement on an issue is half the battle, demanding the agreement actually be implemented and acted on is the harder part. Constant vigilance over contract language and a demand to bargain changes must become second nature. We need to know and understand our rights, then stand up for them.
Thank you all for your willingness to work together to maintain the strength we have in the oil sector. We are a proud piece of this union, and accomplish many benefits for our members dealing with the most powerful industry in the world.
I wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa or best wishes for however you celebrate the holiday season. This is a time to spend with family and friends to celebrate new beginnings and remember those who passed during the year. Think of those hurting now and through the coming year, and practice some empathy for your fellow human beings. Best wishes for a wonderful 2018.
In Solidarity,
Kim Nibarger
NOBP Chair
(Office) 412-562-2403
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