USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
When President Joe Biden convened his Leaders Summit on Climate April 22 and 23 to facilitate a conversation on the urgent problem of climate change, he was sure to include not just world leaders and industry representatives but also organized labor.
USW International Vice President Roxanne Brown was among a number of labor leaders who participated in the event spotlighting the impacts climate policy can have on workers and their communities.
“It’s so important that in any serious discussion of climate change, our national and global leaders hear from workers and their unions,” said Brown. “The people who have the most to gain or lose – workers and their families – must always have a seat at the table. That’s why I was so proud to represent USW members at this summit.”
One of the pieces that Brown put forward as especially vital for both protecting the environment and maintaining and creating jobs is robust infrastructure investment.
The USW represents workers from across a variety of industries, from steel, cement and energy to municipal water maintenance, health care professionals, and much more – all of whom would benefit from the stronger economy and more efficient workplaces an ambitious infrastructure plan would provide.
“As union members, we know how important it is that we work together to protect our communities from the impacts of climate change,” said Brown, “but we also know how important it is to enact responsible policies that prioritize good jobs. It’s clear that President Biden shares our vision for the future and is committed to ensuring that the benefits of our climate policies go to workers.”
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