USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
As we roll into 2014, we want to make a strong statement that we are ready for a new direction in Washington – a direction that creates and sustains thousands of good paying middle class jobs and invests in our future. This is why we launched a large scale national action to call attention to the dire need for infrastructure investments.
We recognize that Washington and our state capitols do not change unless we speak out. Thanks to local Rapid Response efforts, we regularly do just that. For past efforts and for taking part in this current action, we say thank you with a drawing for more than fifty prizes, including two grand prize trips to Las Vegas for the Steelworkers International Convention in August, 2014!
Local Union presidents should have already received the postcards in the mail for distribution in the workplace. If you have not received yours, please contact your District Rapid Response Coordinator (click HERE for a listing). Once your local has finished with the action, please mail the cards back to USW Headquarters in Pittsburgh by January 31, 2014. The first round of deliveries will be made to legislators at the 2014 Rapid Response and Legislative Conference in February in Washington, D.C. The second and final deadline for the postcards will be February 21, 2014 to be included in the drawing. We will draw and notify winners the first week of March.
Please Note – All active and retired members of the USW are eligible for the prize drawing, but current employees of the USW are not. Please turn in only one entry form per person, and please try your best to print legibly. We want to be sure that we are able to receive all of your correct information and get you added to receive all of the great information that Rapid Response has to offer.
To compliment this large-scale action, we will be putting out great information weekly on our networks on infrastructure investment. Information on how we can invest in the safety of our communities, our ability to compete globally, our national security and good jobs when we support the building and rebuilding of our nation’s infrastructure. We encourage everyone to share all of this information in your workplaces and on your social networks as well!
Does your workplace have a specific stake in infrastructure investment? Let us know at! All over the country we represent brothers and sisters who manufacture the materials that go into these projects as well as public sector members and others who could benefit. We also know that by pushing for strong BUY AMERICAN provisions in the legislation, we help to create and sustain these manufacturing jobs. We want to hear from you on how these investments will help your workplaces, so please let us know – we want to share your stories!
Invest in America Infrastructure Action – We can invest in the safety of our communities, our ability to compete globally, our national security and good jobs when we support the building and rebuilding of our nation’s infrastructure. We want to make a strong statement as we head into 2014 that we are ready for a new direction in Washington – one that builds towards our collective future by investing in America.
Rapid Response Thank You Drawing – At the same time, we recognize that Washington and our state capitols do not change unless we speak out. Thanks to local Rapid Response efforts, we regularly do just that. For past efforts and for taking part in this current action, we say thank you with a drawing for more than fifty prizes, including two grand prize trips to Las Vegas for the Steelworkers International Convention in August 2014!
For more information on Investing in America and instructions and details on the action, click HERE!
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See how the USW is making a real difference in our communities and our workplaces.