Lifting the Crude Oil Export Ban = Refinery Jobs in Jeopardy

The Arab oil embargo in 1973 sent shockwaves through our economy. U.S. gasoline prices spiked. There were legitimate fears of fuel shortages. It was a wakeup call for Americans on energy security and our vulnerability to events outside of our borders. In response, Congress enacted a ban on nearly all exports of domestically-produced crude oil. We still import crude to meet demand, but overall, the policy has – and is – working, and Americans can never again be held hostage by OPEC or other oil rich countries.

There’s a growing effort to lift the ban on our crude oil and export it to other countries. If this is done, it will harm U.S. jobs, endanger U.S. national security and make us more susceptible to global oil prices.

Help us to save American jobs and prevent more jobs from being sent overseas.

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