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Our USW Local 235A bargaining committee held two days of meetings this week with representatives of Sherwin Alumina in Pittsburgh.
We met with the company on Monday, Sept, 14, and reviewed their most recent contract proposal. Unfortunately, the company’s proposal still contained demands for far too many unrealistic and unnecessary concessions.
Our USW bargaining team responded by presenting the company with a comprehensive counter proposal. After spending several hours reviewing that proposal, the company again responded with yet another proposal that contained demands for unrealistic concessions.
Our committee met with the company again on Tuesday, Sept. 15, and presented Sherwin Alumina with a complete offer that we believe could settle the lockout, which has now stretched to more than 11 months.
The company now expects to spend a few days studying our committee’s most recent proposal. We expect that the company will contact us next week with a response.
We remain committed to bargaining a fair contract with Sherwin Alumina that continues to provide for our members, our families and our retirees, while ensuring the company’s continued success. We will keep you posted on any developments as they happen.
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