USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
This past fall, several USW locals within the Dow DuPont North American Labor Council (DNALC) negotiated and ratified deals.
Local 10-88G at Dow’s Bristol, Pa., plant had a contract set to expire Oct. 24, 2020, but the local negotiated a one-year extension that included two $750 lump sum payments.
Local 10-88G President Walter Epp said the local negotiated the extension to avoid in-person bargaining and wait until the Covid-19 recession subsided.
DuPont approached its Midland, Mich., unit, Local 2-12075-24, about negotiating a one-year extension for the unit’s contract that will expire in February 2021.
“We worked with the DuPont union committee, and it was a good move for everybody,” said Local 2-12075 President Kent Holsing.
The one-year extension for Local 2-12075-24 included a 2.1 percent wage increase.
The Local 2-12075-25 bargaining committee at Corteva’s Midland, Mich., plant reached a three-year agreement for the 262-member unit, and the members ratified it the week of Oct. 12.
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