Marcos Velez, Next Gen/AFL-CIO Young Worker Advisory Council in District 13

My name is Marcos Velez. I am an oil worker and a proud member of Local Union 13-227 in Pasadena, Texas. I am also the Steelworkers’ representative on the AFL-CIO’s Young Worker Advisory Council (YWAC).

You may be asking yourself, “What the heck does that mean?” It means that I am the person who ensures that issues important to our young members are shared with the AFL-CIO Executive Council. I am the link between Next Generation and AFL-CIO Young Worker Groups around the country – Young Worker Groups are affiliated with a State, Area or Central Labor Council and are separate from USW Next Generation groups or committees.

Click here to tell the AFL-CIO what matters to you most.

The YWAC is in the process of establishing our areas of focus for the next year and we need your help to figure out what issues you care about and how we can make change. Fill out this survey and tell us about your priorities and needs so we can create a plan together for young-worker action.

The saying we are #strongertogether is real, and our collective energy can make a difference. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

In solidarity,

Marcos Velez
USW Local 13-227


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