USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
USW Jefferson Award Winner: Carla Leslie
Local Union: 15120
Location: Chattanooga, TN
Service Work: Carla has built Local 15120’s Women of Steel program from the ground up; she has turned it into one of the most recognized and respected orginizations in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Carla’s passion for helping the homeless is unmatched and runs deep. She regularly organizes, leads, and participates in the WOS feed-the-homeless events in the community around Local 15120. She has organized coat drives and collected care packages for the homeless. Through WOS, she organized and directed a volunteer reading program for children at a homeless shelter. In conjunction with a church in the Chattanooga area and some City Council members, she hosted a Super Bowl watch party for the homeless. She volunteers with the Salvation Army, and all the while she serves as Recording Secretary of Local 15120 and Vice-President of the Chattanooga Area Labor Council. Carla is active in local politics and was appointed to the Chattanooga Mayor’s Council of Women. She recently organized a violence-defense class for women after a female coworker was attacked.
Hours: countless
Community Impact: Immeasurable; there’s no way to pin down exactly how many meals, hats, coats, or scarves she’s provided. There’s now way to quantify her impact. She makes people want to do more for their fellow man.
Outstanding Quality: Carla Leslie has an almost endless desire to help people who are less fortunate. She is an inspiration to her union brothers and sisters… She never takes credit for the work she does but constantly gives credit to those who help her!
Prize money donated to: Chattanooga Community Kitchen
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