USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Our union in District 11 has been working hard with USW-represented workplaces to gather donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like masks and gown to get them to the frontline healthcare workers, also USW members, who desperately need them.
Thank you Lakehead Constructors in Aurora, MN, for donating much-needed PPE to Waterview Woods Nursing Home/Assisted Living in Eveleth, MN, and to Waterview Pines Nursing Home in Virginia, MN. A special thank you to Minnesota District 6B State Representative David Lislegard helped make the donation on behalf of Lakehead Constructors.
We’re proud to represent the Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) at USW Local is 9349, Unit 09. Pictured above accepting the donations are USW members Jennifer Potter-Thiel, LPN, and Beckie Golnick, Director of Nursing at Waterview Woods. In the other picture is Lea Sauter, DON, and USW Unit President David Hiltunen.
Also in District 11, Jamar Company and its President Craig Fellman in Duluth, MN, worked with USW Staff Representatives John Arbogast and Michele Fredrickson to arrange for delivery of N95 masks and Tyvek suits to our health care siblings at USW Local 9349, Unit 22. Jamar Company donated the critically needed supplies to Essentia Health Northern Pines Hospital in Aurora, MN. Pictured accepting the donations below are Kathy Johnson, RN, Pam Kleino, LPN, Billie Reid, RN, and Diana Kallberg, DON. The LPNs at Essentia are represented by our sisters and brothers at AFSCME Council 65.
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