Vice President Brown testifies on behalf of USW members, pushes for American infrastructure

Vice President Roxanne Brown today testified on behalf of USW members before the the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means' Trade Subcommittee. The hearing was on 
“Trade Infrastructure for Global Competitiveness.”

VP Brown

"American manufacturing should be the first priority in an effort to improve export infrastructure facilitation. Our union, and U.S. workers everywhere, want to supply and build our trade infrastructure," Brown testified. "Domestic preferences in iron, steel, and manufactured goods, otherwise known as Buy America, have long been established, are consistent with our international obligations, and provide a critical slice of business for American manufacturers. 

"The USW supports the full application of these preferences where they exist, and the expansion of them into all current and potential future infrastructure programs," she said. "Utilizing domestic manufacturers for infrastructure procurement shows a commitment to American workers, and to the planet, and to our environment because U.S. manufacturers are among the cleanest in the world."

Click here for Vice President Brown's complete testimony.

Press Inquiries

Media Contacts

Communications Director:
Jess Kamm at 412-562-6961

USW@WORK (USW magazine)
Editor R.J. Hufnagel

For industry specific inquiries,
Call USW Communications at 412-562-2442

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United Steelworkers
Communications Department
60 Blvd. of the Allies
Pittsburgh, PA 15222