Steelworker Activism Pays Off for Veterans in NY

Steelworker activism paid of in New York, USW District 4, where we teamed up with Rapid Response to help pass a first-of-its-kind law helping our veterans that was signed into law this week.
We are happy to report that on Veteran’s Day, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed New York Assembly Bill A3913B into law. The first of its kind in our nation, this bill requires employers to display a poster containing information on veterans’ benefits and services, which shall be created and distributed by the Department of Labor. 
The law comes two years after USW activists gathered at a Rapid Response conference in the district and made helping those who served in our armed forces a legislative priority for our union.

For months, we met legislators and pointed out that the federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) helps veterans to secure jobs, but it does not offer details on available benefits and services. These benefits and services consist of programs that assist veterans and their families with things like education and training, job placement and employment preferences, healthcare, and more.  

The various programs for which veterans are eligible help ease the transition back into civilian life and ensure that families and communities are supported after giving selflessly for our country. District 4 activists urged elected officials they met with to join us in supporting our nation’s veterans by making information on benefits and services they are entitled to more available to those who need it. They asked legislators to create and pass legislation to require standardized workplace postings that include basic information about veterans’ benefits and a way for veterans to learn more about the programs available to them.
We are excited to have had a part in the creation and passage of this legislation and look to 2023 to push for similar bills across the nation.


How did your legislators vote? 

In a rare occurance, all members of the New York State Assembly and New York State Senate present for the vote, voted in support of the bill. 

To learn more about the USW’s Veterans of Steel program and the resources available to all veterans and their families go to or contact Cary Eldridge, District 4 Veterans of Steel Coordinator, at For more information on Rapid Response and how you can get involved contact Mark McDonald, District 4 Rapid Response Coordinator, at


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