USW Mobilizes to Demand Fair Contracts in Steel Industry

News Advisory: Tues., Aug. 18, 2015
More information
, contact: Tony Montana 412-562-2592;

USW Mobilizes to Demand Fair Contracts in Steel Industry

PITTSBURGH – The United Steelworkers (USW) on Wed., Aug. 19, will sponsor a national day of action for a fair contract with ArcelorMittal, with rallies and marches scheduled throughout the day at facilities in four states, including West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana.

Steelworkers will participate in additional actions scheduled through the rest of the week in conjunction with a series of events targeting U.S. Steel.

In June, the union began negotiating new master agreements both companies, which employ about 30,000 union-represented workers combined. Both contracts are scheduled to expire on Sept. 1.

“We recognize that this is a difficult time for the steel industry,” said USW International President Leo W. Gerard, “but we also recognize that for generations, these have been good, middle-class jobs that have allowed workers to care for their families and support their communities.”

“It is important that we make sure that remains true for our generation and for those who come after us,” he said.

The USW represents 850,000 workers in North America employed in many industries that include metals, rubber, chemicals, paper, oil refining and the service and public sectors, including approximately 17,000 workers at U.S. Steel and 13,000 at ArcelorMittal. For more information:

ATTN: Photo Opportunities, Interviews, Crowds

WHO: USW members along with labor and community allies


WHAT: Day of Action calling for fair contracts in the steel industry

WHEN/WHERE: Wednesday, August 19th through Friday, August 21st – times and locations vary – contact for local contacts and information specific to your area.

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