USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Contact: Jess Kamm Broomell, 412-562-2444,
United Steelworkers (USW) International President Tom Conway issued the following statement today in response to the announcement that the United States and the United Kingdom reached an arrangement on Section 232 relief measures:
“The USW supports the 232 arrangement between the United States and the United Kingdom announced today as an important step in addressing systemic problems like illegal dumping and global overcapacity that threaten the vitality and future of our steel and aluminum industries.
“Our union backed the 232 relief measures from day one. They helped spur investment, production and job creation in the steel and aluminum sectors.
“The 232 arrangement with the United Kingdom leaves the overall structure of the 232 relief measures in place while imposing tariff rate quotas. It will allow us to work together with an important trading partner and end retaliatory tariffs, while continuing to recognize the national security importance of the steel and aluminum sectors.
“The arrangement also takes important steps to limit third parties seeking to take advantage of our markets by shipping their products through the United Kingdom with minimal transformation. This includes strict ‘melted and poured’ requirements for steel and a ‘smelted and cast’ requirement for aluminum that precludes inputs from Russia, Belarus and China from being utilized and then allowed in under the tariff rate quota.
“Just as significantly, the U.S.-U.K. arrangement will require annual audits to ensure the Chinese-owned company British Steel is not receiving preferential financing from the People’s Republic of China and will help stem the Chinese Communist Party’s attempts to use companies around the globe as its agents.
“The administration is making important progress as we work to limit unfair trade and create demand for the products our members make every day. From robust infrastructure investments to negotiating thoughtful arrangements with the EU, Japan and now the United Kingdom, President Joe Biden is helping create good jobs and foster strong domestic industries.”
The USW represents 850,000 workers employed in metals, mining, pulp and paper, rubber, chemicals, glass, auto supply and the energy-producing industries, along with a growing number of workers in health care, public sector, higher education, tech and service occupations.
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