Rapid Response Action Call: Speaker Matt Hall is Breaking the Law and Michigan Workers Pay the Price

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A critical recent court ruling confirms what we’ve said all along: The bills Speaker Matt Hall has been holding up must be sent to Governor Whitmer for signature by the court imposed date of March 19. Speaker Hall is refusing to do his job and every day he delays hurts working families.

What’s at Stake?

These bills protect workers’ pay, pensions, and healthcare. Every delay puts families at risk.

  • HB 6058: Helps to correct the arbitrary and unjust Public Act 152. It’s a massive victory for the thousands of public sector workers the USW represents – librarians, crossing guards, public school custodians, EMS workers, bus drivers, and so many others.
  • HB 4900 & 4901: Shields working families from aggressive debt collection tactics that seize wages and intercept Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC)—funds meant to help families stay afloat.
  • HB 4665–4667: Ensures retirement security for public safety professionals, including law enforcement officers, by strengthening their pension benefits. Those who protect our communities deserve to retire with dignity.

Speaker Hall is playing politics with your hard-earned wages and retirement. The courts ruled against him—he needs to follow the law and send these bills to Governor Whitmer NOW.

Please click HERE to demand these bills go to the Governor for her signature!
For additional information, please contact District 1 Rapid Response Coordinator Sue Browne at sbrowne@usw.org or 269-838-5956.

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