USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
In 2011, Ohioans rejected an attack on collective bargaining. We knew then that antiworker, anti-union laws had no place in our state. That truth remains today. Now, anti-labor legislators are trying again and we need to be ready. We know this isn’t the path forward that Ohioans want. Here’s why.
Right-to-Work Means:
Right-to-Work is designed to divide workers and weaken unions. While it claims to promote “freedom of choice,” it’s real impact would be making it harder for workers to stand together and fight for fair treatment. Union power comes from solidarity. Without strong membership, collective bargaining loses its strength. We expect these anti-union legislators to introduce Right-to-Work in the coming weeks, so stay tuned to Rapid Response on how you can join the fight to protect our rights.
For additional information, please contact District 1 Rapid Response Coordinator,
Sue Browne at or 269 – 838 – 5956.
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