Rapid Response Info Alert: This is about a Hand Up, Not a Hand Out

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If you lose your job through no fault of your own, it can turn your world upside down. Bills pile up, putting food on the table gets harder, and the stress of finding new work becomes overwhelming. That’s why past generations of workers fought hard to win unemployment benefits to give us a financial lifeline while we get back on our feet.

But once again, politicians are trying to tear that safety net apart.

What’s Happening?

West Virginia lawmakers are pushing HB 2577, a bill that would slash unemployment
benefits and make it even harder for laid-off workers to get the help they need. Here’s what this bill
would do:

  • Cuts Benefits to Just 90 Days– That means if you’re out of work for more than three
    months, you’re on your own.
  • Limit How Often You Can Get Benefits – If you lose your job more than once in a year,
    tough luck – you won’t qualify again because you can only draw benefits once every two
  • Punish Workers for Leaving Unsafe or Toxic Jobs – If you quit due to harassment,
    dangerous conditions, or unfair treatment, you could be denied benefits entirely.

Many of us work in industries and sectors where layoffs happen at no fault of our own. This bill
would leave hardworking West Virginians struggling without the support they deserve.
Unemployment insurance isn’t a handout – it’s something we’ve earned.

What Can You Do?

This isn’t the first time they’ve tried to take our benefits, and it won’t be the last. But we’ve fought
back before, and we can do it again. West Virginia legislators need to know that instead of cutting
essential benefits, they should turn their focus on expanding workforce development programs,
supporting job training, and ensuring fair wages.

Tell your coworkers, family, and friends about what’s happening, and stay tuned to Rapid
Response to see how you can help make sure West Virginia workers are protected.

For additional questions about this issue or ways to get involved in Rapid Response, contact Chad Conley, USW District 8 Rapid Response Coordinator, at (606) 465-6862 or cconley@usw.org.

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