USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
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The work we do in Rapid Response always has been and always will be centered around the issues that impact us at the bargaining table and in our workplaces.
The legisation and policies we work to push back on or advocate for, center around our union’s core issues; collective bargaining, safety and health, job security and trade, domestic economic issues, health care, and retirement security.
We know these are our core issues because we know that one hundred percent of our members can agree on them.
In 2020, we launched Your Union Your Voice to hear about the issues that matter most to you and share some of our union’s work to impact government decisions.
The feedback we have received from these efforts have helped make sure your priorities are reflected in our union’s work. This year, we’re doing it again, and it starts with hearing directly from you.
Please take a moment to take our online survey to tell us what issues matter the most to you HERE.
We do our best advocating when we arm ourselves with your priorities. This helps us in our work to be better advocates for the issues that all our members agree can make an impact on their working lives. Please take a quick moment to fill out our survey.
Thank you for all the work you do each day to make Rapid Response the best grassroots legislative program in the labor movement.
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See how the USW is making a real difference in our communities and our workplaces.