USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Rep. John Lewis, the Congressman from Georgia and iconic civil and workers’ rights icon, is the 2018 recipient of the USW Wellstone Award.
Lewis was presented with the award by District 9 Director Daniel Flippo, USW members and staff during the 2018 Rapid Response and Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton also received the Wellstone Award this year. Click here for more on his story.
The USW gives the award annually to public figures who show commitment to public service and the well-being of USW members and their families.
The award is named for the late Sen. Paul Wellstone, who along with his wife, daughter and three campaign aides were killed in a plane crash prior to the election in 2002.
In 12 years, Wellstone proved to be the most reliable, tenacious, and inspiring senator on behalf of Steelworkers and all workers. He loved our union and its members from Minnesota’s Iron Range. He fought tirelessly to save Steelworkers’ jobs, and even after jobs were lost, he continued fighting for Steelworkers’ pensions and for our retirees’ health care. From the Iron Range of Minnesota, to the “Battle of Seattle” at the WTO, to the corridors of power here in Washington, Paul Wellstone was always there for us, always leading the way forward.
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