Steelworkers Join Rally Against Trans-Pacific Partnership in Bridgeport, Conn


When the Sierra Club and Global Trade Watch reached out for rally support from people or groups that oppose Fast Track and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Steelworkers jumped in.

tammy-speaks2On August 22, District 4 Women of Steel Coordinator for United Steelworkers (USW) Tammie Botelho and Wanda McKiver a USW member from New Haven, Conn., joined other participants in Bridgeport, Conn., with a megaphone and a USW flag.

Botelho talked about the long-standing commitment of the Steelworkers to oppose Fast Track and the TPP and the impact bad free trade agreements have on our members.

District 4 Director John Shinn commended Bothelo and McKiver saying, “They did an outstanding job representing the Steelworkers on short notice.”

For more information about the Steelworker position on Fast Track and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Click Here.

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