USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
The United Steelworkers (USW) delegation attending the congress of the Brazilian metalworkers’ union (CNM/CUT) joined delegates from across Brazil and around the world in a march through the São Paulo airport as part of a nationwide protest against legislation currently before the Brazilian Congress. The legislation would allow for companies to contract out their entire work force, threatening guarantees and benefits for 30 million workers.
“It was important to show our solidarity with union sisters and brothers from the CNM/CUT, who are fighting a concerted right-wing attack on the rights of Brazilian workers,” said USW District 11 Director Emil Ramirez, who led the delegation from April 12-17. Joining him were District 6 staff representative Kevon Stewart, International Affairs Director Ben Davis and Strategic Campaigns Department staffer Carolyn Kazdin.
The CNM/CUT delegates, representing more than one million workers in the auto, steel, and manufacturing industries, cheered the keynote speech by former President Lula da Silva, who gave a rousing defense of the Workers’ Party’s government which has lifted 40 million Brazilians out of poverty, and urged support for the current president, Dilma Roussef, who is facing a wave of right-wing protests.
CNM/CUT President Paulo Cayres and his leadership slate – 30 percent of whom are women – were elected unanimously.
The USW delegates participated in a CNM/CUT seminar on racial equality, which focused on the impact of racism on Brazilian workers. They also met with leaders of steel industry unions affiliated to the CNM/CUT to discuss work with common employers including ArcelorMittal and Gerdau.
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