Support B&H Photo Video Workers on Twitter

B&H Photo warehouse workers in Brooklyn faced horrific safety conditions for years. They fought back, organized for over a year, and overwhelmingly voted to form a union with the United Steelworkers in November 2015.

Since then we’ve been negotiating a first contract that covers nearly 330 warehouse workers, but now the company threatens to relocate these jobs 75 miles away, making it impossible for our members to commute to work.

Moving hundreds of jobs away from New York City is a betrayal to working families, New Yorkers and the workers who courageously fought to be treated with respect and dignity.

How you can help

You can stand with our brothers and sisters at B&H in their fight for justice in the workplace and their community by tweeting with us on Friday, Mar. 24, 2017.

If you’re new to Twitter, click here to get started.

From noon-2 p.m. EST we’ll be tweeting using the hashtag #BHExposed and the company’s hashtag #BHPhoto to show that these workers have the support of the labor movement, community groups and B&H customers behind them.

Here are some tweets you can use during the Twitterstorm:

  • #BHPhoto workers organized for respect and safety. Now mgmt is trying to move almost 330 union jobs out of NYC. We say NO! #BHExposed
  • Union! Fuerza! Solidaridad! I stand w/#BHPhoto workers fighting to keep almost 330 union jobs in New York. #BHExposed @Steelworkers
  • #BHphoto warehouse workers in BK organized for dignity, respect. Now B&H is trying to move the jobs to NJ. Keep the jobs in NYC! #BHexposed
  • #BHPhoto warehouse workers fought and won a union w/@steelworkers. Now B&H is running away to another state. That ain’t right! #BHexposed


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