Supreme Court Endorses Freeloading

USW International President Leo W. Gerard and progressive talk show host Leslie Marshall discussed the Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Harris v. Quinn, a decision that radically undermines union rights across the country.

“The ruling is absolutely terrible,” said Gerard. “In its message it says that the Supreme Court supports free riders. It sends out a message that workers who choose not to pay their union dues, who choose not to be members, still must get the benefits of collective bargaining.” 

The Harris case involved home healthcare workers in Illinois who unionized as a way to combat the poverty-level wages and lack of benefits, training and support that nearly all of them faced.  Unionization greatly improved their working conditions, and as a result, home healthcare workers were able to provide better care.

A small number of workers, however, objected to paying union dues. They wanted to receive the benefits of collective bargaining without participating in the union. The Supreme Court’s 5-4 Harris ruling said that they could do just this; they could freeload.

“This Supreme Court has done more damage to this country, in my view, than any legislative agenda,” said Gerard. “When you look at the decisions they’ve made, the decision they made about women, the decision they made about workers…I think it’s absolutely disgusting.”

Click the audio to hear the full discussion.



Background Materials

Harris v. Quinn – Attack on Working American by the Judicial System


Assault on the American middle class in a global marketplace.


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