USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Progressive talk show host Leslie Marshall and United Steelworkers (USW) International Vice President of Human Affairs Fred Redmond discuss the re-introduction of Paul Ryan’s failed GOP budget to reward the top 1 or 2 percent.
Paul Ryan and the Republicans are attempting to resurrect the same budget that caused the U.S. electorate to reject the GOP in 2014.
“They acting like the election never happened,” said Redmond.
A recent Wall Street Journal article compares Ryan’s most recent budget as a twin to the one he was touting on the campaign trail with Mitt Romney.
“The Democrats put out a budget that’s going to put America back to work,” said Redmond. “We have to fight for what is going to be fair to working people and the poor.”
Ryan’s so-called budget would damage and destroy programs that workers cherish – everything from Medicare to Medicaid and from Pell grants to food stamps. And, once again, it proposes rewards for the wealthy and corporations with gigantic tax breaks.
Republicans want to maintain a standard for their friends and the very wealthy with little regard for the American people, the American economy and perhaps their own re-election.
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