USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
The parties have continued to meet at USW headquarters this week, both with and without the presence of the Mediators, in an attempt to try to find a path to a settlement agreement and an end to the lockout.
All the issues that were on the table at the start of the lockout are back on the table and under discussion, including new hire issues, active and retiree health care, scheduling, contracting out, VEBA funding and economics, along with certain local issues that the company refused to address during the summer.
The company has moved on some minor issues, but they continue to argue for some of their more onerous ones. Premiums are still a topic of discussion along with schedules and contracting out. The discussions are further complicated by the announced idling of Midland and the GOES operations.
The union anticipates that soon it will bring the full bargaining committee back to Pittsburgh as part of these discussions. ATI can demonstrate its seriousness about ending the dispute that it caused by putting a meaningful proposal on the table, a proposal that is realistic and returns us back to our jobs with a good agreement and the protections we need.
This company has caused tremendous damage and hardship to our members and communities. While we are encouraged that the discussions have continued this week and we anticipate ongoing and further talks, we will not accept an agreement that is dictated by ATI on their terms. We urge them to finally come to their senses and begin to try to find a way out of the problems they have created with this destructive behavior. The union stands ready, as we always have been, to reach a fair agreement and to get the scabs out of our plants and our members rightfully back on their jobs where they belong.
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