USW District 13 WOS Distributes Toys as Committee Resumes Talks

The USW District 13 Women of Steel Committee helped to make sure that the families of Local 235A members would have a happy holiday season when they visited our local last week and distributed gifts for the children of locked-out workers.
The visit was yet another example of the steadfast solidarity that we have built with the members of District 13, as well as the entire USW membership and the labor movement as a whole.

Also last week, our bargaining team held two days of meetings with representatives of Sherwin Alumina in an effort to reach a fair agreement on a new contract. Unfortunately, the company continues to refuse to end the 14-month lockout, and continues to demand concessions that would turn back the clock on years of progress we have made at the bargaining table.

We will be returning to the table for additional talks soon after the new year, and will keep you posted on any news that comes out of those discussions.

We urge you to enjoy the holiday season with your families, and continue to stand strong and stay in touch in the new year.

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