USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
United Steelworker members attending the first ever District 12 Health Care Workers Council conference spent four days updating their skills to address key issues affecting health care workers.
The first day of the conference, Delegates reviewed the many ways we can – and must – influence public policy and practiced telling their stories about how violence affects their ability to give the best possible patient care and why it must be prevented.
During the conference lobby day, delegates met with more than thirty elected officials and their staff members at the statehouse in Sacramento, CA to discuss the importance of preventing workplace violence in our healthcare facilities.
Health care workers are the most likely workers in any industry to be injured by violence while at work.
In the photo from left to right: Linda Foster, Lupe Quezada,Alonzo Ramirez,
Matt Roman, Phyllis Nagle,Tammi Requejo, Belen Anderson
The remainder of the week was spent in training on best practices for negotiating contract language to address health care specific issues like comprehensive safe staffing. Delegates concluded the week by putting their bargaining skills to the test in a mock bargaining session against the toughest bosses we could find: District 12 Staff Representatives. Everyone in attendance learned some new strategies to push back against union-busting proposals and be effective advocates for fellow health care workers and our patients.
This was the first USW conference for many of the health care workers in attendance and everyone is looking forward to the next opportunity for members in our sector to learn and lead together. About the conference, Chantel Caldwell (Local Union 12911 Delegate) said, “I am even more excited about becoming an active Union Representative. I’m ready to get all of my co-workers to understand what being a USW member is all about.”
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