USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Workers from unions and allied organizations reached out to their U.S. Representatives during a two-week span in April. The message was simple: Congress should not hold a vote on the renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) until core problems are addressed. USW members were a key part of the effort.
For a quarter century, NAFTA has failed workers. CEOs continue to shutter factories in the U.S. while pursuing low wages and lax environmental standards as they set up shop in Mexico. For those U.S. workers who hang on to their jobs, there is still downward pressure on wages and benefits from this lopsided playing field. In Mexico, workers struggle to make gains.
We have an opportunity to get it right as NAFTA is renegotiated. There’s been progress, but not enough. We need swift and certain enforcement of labor provisions. Mexican workers must be able to freely bargain for a better future, and not be subjected to threats and violence when attempting to form an independent union. We also need to fix problems in the proposed deal, like the monopoly rights for pharmaceutical corporations that will keep drug prices sky high (more info at
Thank you to all USW members who made a call. Your efforts are making a difference.
Photo caption: USW Local 6103 members in Indiana, with an assist from President Tom Potter, are making their calls.
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