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Six Months into Illegal Lockout, Local 235A Members Still Standing Strong Together
Sherwin Alumina’s illegal lockout of Local 235A members has entered its sixth month. Our members continue to stand strong against Sherwin’s corporate greed, and we remain committed to reaching a fair contract that ensures a strong future both for our members and their families, and for the company.
Part of our commitment to fighting for justice is to make sure that we are there to support our fellow members when we need each other the most.
With that in mind, we’d like to remind all Local 235A members that there is help available for those who might need assistance paying bills or other expenses during this time.
Unless otherwise noted, the Local 235A Hall, at 2301 Saratoga Boulevard, is open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday for assistance.
The number to call to set-up an appointment to discuss your needs is 361-814-1850 (union hall).
Other important local union contacts to remember:
ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE: The local offers assistance to its members through the Strike Assistance Committee. Members of the Assistance Committee are: Leslie Thomas, Freddy Arrismendez, Butch Triveno, Zeke Nunez, James Langille and Daniel Reyes.
Food Bank of Corpus Christi: 361-887-6291
Nueces County Department of Human Services: 361-888-0837
Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi: 361-884-0651
Salvation Army Service Unit: 361-884-9497
Nueces County Veteran Service Office: 361-888-0820
San Patricio county Veteran Service Office: 361-364-9356
Aransas County Veterans Service Office: 361-790-0154
Amistad Community Health Center (prescription drugs): 361-884-2242
Click Here to download Straight Talk – April 17th Edition
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